Caterina Rigo abita e lavora ad Arco
provincia di Trento a 5 km dal lago di Garda.
Fa quadri ad olio,
acrilico e tecniche miste.
Quadri su
commissione in qualsiasi misura, soggetto e tecnica.
Oilpaintings, acrilics and mixex tecnich little or grand. I CAN TRANSFORM YOUR PHOTO INTO A PAINTING
Her paintings are vital, rich in lyrical impulses,
based on a rhythmic construction of colour and shape; it is interpretation
of the artist which integrates with extreme
originality and elegance in her artistic works. She can arouse amazement and
admiration with her works, where her mastery of
expressive signs, light and colour is evident and this allows her to create
strong and suggestive images. One of the artist's
principal attributes is her fantastic style, crom which emerges the value
or er gift of creativity, realized with an accurate
technique. Through her play of light and vivacious color she inspires us
with a message of joy and serenity, sustained by a
strong original personality which surrenders to her style. She is a very
capable artist, who transports a knowledgeable
chromatic compilation in her canvases, thus realizing works of value in a
personal way. (Ermanno
Corti - Critico d' arte)